My Martin's had a big spruce up; not him (although he did have a hair cut the other day) but I've been slaving away at his new website so much that I've worn the white paint off my keyboard and have had to dig out a new one so I can see what I'm typing. It's a great excuse for typos of course, but..
I digress. Martin's new website is a considerable improvement on the old mish-mash which grew like topsy and which was almost impossible to find your way around - including for me.
Check it out Martin's website here and let me know if you like it /hate it/ think the cats could do better etc. If I've missed including anything, please do tell me because I think my brain has shrivelled away to the size of a pea and the value of a piece of cardboard.
I digress. Martin's new website is a considerable improvement on the old mish-mash which grew like topsy and which was almost impossible to find your way around - including for me.
Check it out Martin's website here and let me know if you like it /hate it/ think the cats could do better etc. If I've missed including anything, please do tell me because I think my brain has shrivelled away to the size of a pea and the value of a piece of cardboard.